Our Goal
- Better elected representation in the executive and legislature with vision and values that mirror ours
- Progress Markers: political parties reform and/or differentiate themselves from the norm, improved internal party processes e.g. transparent primaries process & better quality candidates on the ballot
Take Action
- Assess candidates against agreed values and qualities and vote accordingly and join a political party Organizing Values
- Commitment (to Goal & Actions)
- Unity (prepared to stand together as one to achieve a common purpose regardless of all diversity)
- Integrity
Organizing Framework
- Engage. Motivate. Recruit. Execute. Repeat
Organizing for our goals
What is organizing?
- Organizing is bringing purpose driven people together to achieve a shared objective.
- Typically the basis of organizing is morals and values (not economic or political persuasion) to bring about a desired outcome or introduce a new idea.
- Organizing is based on formed relationships rooted in shared values and division of labour.
- In summary – organizers don’t want to win ‘the game’ – they try to disrupt/replace the game.